So, I watched this last night.
It was fascinating. Both to see what goes into the most prestigious issue of the most prestigous fashion magazine, and also to see a woman like Anna Wintour work. It was interesting to hear her talk. About her family, her children. She seems to feel that most consider her job frivolous, particularly when she discusses her family's views on it. But you can tell she feels very passionately about fashion, like when she talks about growing up in the 60's and witnessing the way fashion was as much a medium and expression of social change as anything that was going on in that era. Her relationship with Grace Coddington, Creative Director of Vogue, is interesting too. Both women have been at Vogue for over 25 years, both hold positions of extreme power and essentially create Vogue as we know it, and yet they have almost no relationship whatsoever, other than one of begrudging respect, mainly on Coddintons part. Wintour, for most intents, seems to respect Coddingtons vision and talent, but seems only to wish to hone it. To take the vastness of it and harness into a cohesive story that makes sense on the pages of Vogue. Wintour is the consummate professional, who seems unaware of her sometimes snide or rude behavior. She simply moves on, unwilling or unable to be distracted from her path.
All and all it was a wonderful documentary. Beautifully shot, it doesn't hurt that everyone who passes in front of the camera is wearing something gorgeous to look at. Fascinating.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
dream, dream, dream
Things I want right now:
1. my tattoo...i spent two years designing it...get on my body!
1. my tattoo...i spent two years designing it...get on my body!
2. my hair to grow out already. i'm over this in-between BS.
3. my nose re-pierced. third times a charm?
3. an apartment in San Francisco that is relatively clean, appealing, and spacious. and cheap. Hit me up if you need a roommate this fall!!
4. an iPhone. my new phone sucks.
5. a moped. for cruising around the streets of my new home. (see 3)
6. a job which will provide me the funds to achieve all of this, while still allowing me a social life and some sanity.
thats not so much, is it?
3. my nose re-pierced. third times a charm?
3. an apartment in San Francisco that is relatively clean, appealing, and spacious. and cheap. Hit me up if you need a roommate this fall!!
4. an iPhone. my new phone sucks.
5. a moped. for cruising around the streets of my new home. (see 3)
6. a job which will provide me the funds to achieve all of this, while still allowing me a social life and some sanity.
thats not so much, is it?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Till, Threadbare, She Grew Thin
What with my progressively getting my attic abode set up for this summer, I've been thinking a lot about my move this fall to San Francisco and what I want my new place to be. I'm debating if I want to move into a place with other people, or just stick to a studio and live by myself for a while. A part of me is craving the solitude of living alone. But I also want to live with some cool females...since moving out when I was 18 I've only ever lived with guys, and I really miss having close connections with girls. Plus, boys are icky.


With these musings has come the fantasizing about what my new place will look like. I'm planning on selling everything except a few key items of furniture and clothing, and starting fresh in this new place, so I've been thinking seriously about how I want to decorate my new life.
So, without further ado, an inspiration board of what I think I want in my future apartment.
i desperately want a fridge like this.
i wish my attic had this many windows. dreamy.
this is lovely. lived in, cozy...
This entire bed, sheets, comfortor, frame...i need it. The comforter is from Anthropologie, i know...i've been lusting after it for nearly a year now.
completely unrelated, but this door is AMAZING.
blue is pretty much my favorite color, and I'm loving it as a wall color, accented with bright, punchy colors. so happy looking.
Sea of Green
When I Say Go
This year has been a crazy roller coaster for me. And to say that only two months into 2010 is a testament to how rough it's been, emotionally for me. To be honest, I feel like the New Year hasn't even set in yet, because it's just been so tumultuous and draining. But I'm feeling quieter now. I feel like things are finally settling into place for me. I feel as though I have passed the hardest part, and now all I have to do is set my sights and press on.
So, in honor of my new blog, I'm going to try and define what I hope 2010 looks like for me. I know, bit late, but I feel the need to put it down, suffer through it for my sake.
I've been trying to take up new hobbies every couple of weeks since January. Since the beginning of 2010 I've taken up knitting, photography, painting, yoga, and now blogging. These are all things I've wanted to do, talked about doing, and considered taking up for a long time, and there was always some reason not too. I suppose I just got tired of waiting for the perfect time for things to happen. So I promised myself that I was going to start doing the things I wanted to do and stop waiting. And now I'm starting to see that the only thing stopping me from doing all these things sooner was myself.
So...I want this year to be a year of firsts. It already has been. I want it to be a year of new adventures, people, experiences, and opportunities. In spite of everything thats happened already, I'm still incredibly positive about 2010 and whats ahead for me. I have learned so much about myself and what I want in the last few months, and I hope to continue learning. This blog is a part of that. What I hope becomes a journal of this year and the ones to follow. My life as it develops through these changes. My thoughts, photos, personal style, culinary creations, goals. A diary for everyone to see. Oh, we are a generation of exhibitionists.
So, Cheers! Belatedly, to 2010.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Run Through The Jungle
Here are some things I love...
This woman...god, I love this woman. Her voice! You can practically smell the whisky through the speakers. Gonna put on some Janis right now.
This's like, so perfect. It's by YSL, and way out of my price range. Now accepting donations.
This girl is one of my current favorite fashion bloggers. Her name is Elizabeth (twins!!) and her blogs called Delightfully Tacky and her hair is the sole reason I am dissatisfied with my own life. Look at that mane!!! Why not me!!! Alas, my hair will remain semi-wavy and unremarkable. But you should check this girl out, she's from Alaska and, since I live in a similarly inhospitable environment, it's great to see a girl trekking about in the snow, and looking damn good doing it.
Bugger if I know how to change the size of these photos...I hit the small button in the uploader box and they still come out ginormouse...and why is my text blue now?? I need an adult.
“al·che·my \al-kə-mē\ (noun) :
1 : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life
2 : a power or process of transforming something common into something special
3 : an inexplicable or mysterious transmution.
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