All and all this is a pretty basic, comfy outfit and I've been wearing variations on this theme pretty much all summer. I threw this on after I got home from work and had peeled off my dirty, coffee-smelling work clothes and took a long hot shower. Thats why my hair looks a little blah, it's still kind of damp. I took these shots out at one of the visitors centers along Emerald Bay Road, it's an area called Taylor Creek and it's got about a million little paths that crisscross through this beautiful marsh/meadow area. I only know about it because I stumbled upon it while walking my moms dog through the area. We had been wading through the river and found our way out on one of the little paved paths. It's so green and lush and peaceful, I wish I had had more time to spend there but as soon as the sun went behind the mountain the mosquitoes were out in force, so I got a couple shots and got out of there before I got eaten alive.
The day I found this skirt at the thrift store I had literally been sitting in my room, staring at my closet going "Man, I wish I had just a simple denim skirt" and, two hours later, there it was, waiting for me on the skirt rack at the Attic. I love it when that happens.

{skirt | thrifted::gap}{shirt | ross}{bracelets | UO and gift}
In other news; I only work one job this weekend so I might actually have some free time! I'm so worn out from pulling doubles and never having a day off. I've had one day in the last two weeks where I haven't had to go to either job and I spent the majority of that day sleeping. I feel like I'm missing the summer as it slowly fades towards autumn...but it's almost over. One more week of this nonsense and I'm done at the coffee shop (sad, but also a relief) and can start at the Gallery. It'll be nice to work somewhere where I'm not constantly covered in food/coffee. I can actually start wearing all the rad clothes I own! I will miss all my coworkers. In the brief time I've been there I've met some really wonderful and fun people. It'll be sad to not see them every day any more.
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