Wednesday, September 1, 2010

it looks like a rather blustery day

To call yesterday "a rather blustery day" is actually a huge understatement. It was crazy windy out! And cold, too! Fall, it seems, has set in with a vengeance here. And here I thought I was so ready for autumn and all the layering I'm all stocked up to do. But as soon as the temperature dropped I was all "Hell-to-the-NO!" Just a few more weeks of summer! Please! I still need a few more trips to the beach, just a couple more BBQ's and long, leisurely longboard rides around town! I love me some tights and cardigans, but, damn if I'm gonna miss those long, sun drenched days at the beach. It's supposed to warm up for the next few weeks, but I'm not sure if I believe it. Even the aspen trees have already started turning yellow at the tops in response to the sudden temperature change.

It was so windy when I headed out to take these pictures before work. I thought for sure every frame would be of me battling my hair and trying not to get blown over, but this little meadow at the base of Heavenly was so well shielded by the mountain on one side and the forest on the other that it was almost peaceful. Though you could still hear the wind howling through the trees all around you.

This outfit (excluding the shoes, which you can't see, so they don't count) is entirely thrifted. The skirt was found at the goodwill down the hill from South Lake, in Carson (along with a bunch of other awesome stuff). I love the elaborate tapestry print. My friend Jess was with me when I found it and told me it looked like it had begun it's life as someones curtains. So I bought it. And the top was found at the local thrift store, the Attic. The colors all off on this, mainly because I STILL cannot figure my camera out. Jeeze, I'm pathetic. But it's this lovely cream color with pretty flower detailing and cutouts. It goes with absolutely everything and is so soft and comfy. Heres a a detail shot. Excuse the errant hair. The necklace I've had for ages and I usually wear it longer, but I doubled it up this time to go with this tops neckline better.

Missing the summer,

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely photos! AHHHh So now I know where all the good stuff is when i get to Goodwill and its empty! Good for you! I am happy to share! I was freaking cold up there last weekend! HOLY! I had some guests visiting and I kept saying "so sorry about the weather! Its usually so nice up here!" It is always gorgeous though, thats for sure! So you are getting a new place up there? Thats really cool! I have a couple of friends at the lake over by camp rich. I love it there! So lucky to be so close to the beach! Ah! Anyway, you have killer style and I have to say, my heart broke just a wee bit knowing that that skirt could have been mine!
